Friday, September 22, 2006

October's Book Club Book

I recommended The Pact to the group. I'll be interested to hear the conversations and stories this book inspires.

The Ice Queen - Alice Hoffman

The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman

Eh, this was only OK. I really liked the last third of it, but I nearly put it down in the middle because it was a little too wordy and boring. Self-centered girl turned introvert turned lightening strike survivor .... yeah, a little weird.


1984 - George Orwell

1984 by George Orwell

Handmaid's Tale inspired me to pick this up -- I don't think I read it in high school .... if I did, I don't remember it. OK, so I see why this is a required reading in high school or college. I just didn't love it. And the ending? Really? I won't discuss further, but I was just left ... I don't know.

Three bookmarks

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September's Book Club Book

Tripping the Prom Queen by Susan Shapiro Barash

I joined a book club and this month's book is a "self help" book about female rivalry. It read a bit like a text book from one of my old Women's Psych classes -- I've forgotten what it was like to read text books ....

I didn't finish it. Not even close. Neither did several other people in book club. It was just depressing. I wonder who these women are that are quoted and what horrible people they are and keep company with. I like all of my friends -- I am not trying to steal any of their husbands or their jobs and I don't think any of them are trying to steal mine!

2 bookmarks. Actually, only one. It did, however, spark some interesting conversation and stories about nightmare bosses/co-workers.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Pilot's Wife - Anita Shreve

The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve

This is the first Anita Shreve book I've ever read (not sure how she slipped off my list) but my friend's mom unloaded 6 or 7 of her books on me this weekend and said this was the best. As I think I've said before, I'm a sucker for a tear jerker. I also tend to get so involved in a character that I have trouble separating whatis happening to them from what is happening to me. Several times during this book I had to shake my head and remember who I was and that my husband is not a pilot ... Great characters, interesting plot twists.


Chick Lit

Interesting article about beloved/hated chick lit.