Monday, April 30, 2007

Girl in Hyacinth Blue - Susan Vreeland

Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland

Just bought this (like I need to BUY more books -- I have about 15 sitting on the shelf waiting to be read!)

UPDATE: Life is too short to read books that put you to sleep. This one is going back on the shelf.

The Post-Birthday World - Lionel Shriver

The Post-Birthday World by Lionel Shriver

May book club book. I've said it before: I am not typically a fan of books (or movies or people really) that deal with marital infidelity. Although in this case, I suppose it wasn't marital because the couple had been together ten years but never tied the know. Anyhow, the opening chapter ends with the main character making a choice. Following, every other chapter follows her life as if she cheated on her "husband" and alternate chapters follow her life as if she had not cheated. It's funny because in half the book I really kind of hate her and in half the book I really like her. You'll never guess which storyline makes me hate her ...

All in all very well done and thought provoking (is there really only ONE true path? Is there really only ONE person out there that is right for you? etc.)

APPROVED! 4.5 bookmarks! Read it!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - Lisa See

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See

Man oh man oh MAN am I glad I live in the 21st century. 19th century China is NOT for me. The foot-binding scene made me squirm and yell out loud to the point where Jason threatened to take the book away if I couldn't keep it down. Ha ha. OK not really but it was pretty bad. And all the archaic codes of conduct and family loyalty -- I mean I am all about respecting my parents and husband, but there has to be MUTUAL respect. I digress.

A little slow and a little laborious, but still enjoyable.