Monday, January 30, 2006

My Friend Leonard - James Frey

Okay, James Frey's recent publicity aside --- and taking into account that I know that some of the details in this book are a bit inaccurate or exaggerated -- I still REALLY liked this book.

The story in this book is a little bit further out there than the first. Leonard is a mob boss who James met in the first book in rehab. When reading it, you can tell that lot of the details about Leonard must have been changed. I realized that he wouldn't really be able to say his friend's name, his associates' names, the places where he lived, etc. It's still an entertaining story - and I agree with Laurie that I felt like I was missing a friend when the book was over.

I remain a Frey fan. Whatever Oprah thinks, I enjoy Frey's writing style and story-telling. I will buy more of his books if someone will publish them! Try fiction next time:)


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