Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B. by Sandra Gulland

The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B. - Sandra Gulland

This recommendation came from our newest member, Kim. It is the story of Napoleon's wife written in diary form. The first book in a trilogy is an account of her life before she meets Napoleon. I enjoyed it and I would like to read the others in the set, but I need to read a non historical fiction first. I think I am overdoing it a little bit!

The only problem I had with this book is that it threw around a LOT of names and places and politics and did not really describe characters well enough for me to picture them and distinguish them from each other. I was evenutally able to figure out who was who, but I feel like I missed out a little bit and got confused.

I will however give this 3 bookmarks and recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical fiction. I find it fascinating -- why did we have to read text books in grade school? Why couldn't we read stuff like this?



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