Monday, August 08, 2005

My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

Someone mentioned to me that Picoult wrote something else worth reading -- anyone know what that might be? I forget who told me and what book it was ...

I think I mentioned this in my top ten listing, but I'll say again: This is a smart tear-jerker. I have a sister and I have a history of illness in my family, so this one really hit home for me (in a kind of sort of related way, but ...). It is the story of a young girl who refuses to be an organ doner for her cancer-stricken sister anymore. I feel like I already wrote this up ... did I?

Anyhow, it is written in alternating chapters narrated by all the different players (the girl, the sister, each parent, the lawyer, the social worker etc.) They are all great characters, but there is SO MUCH to the story that I almost feel jipped -- it could be a trilogy story -- or at least twice as long. I felt like there was so much more to know about each character and Picoult only skimmed the surface -- but then again, I still cared about each and evey one of them.

I won't share my feelings on the end just in case anyone else wants to read it. If you read it, let's have a chat about how you felt about the end ....



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