Monday, August 08, 2005

The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom

The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

OK, am I a cry baby? Why are all of my favorite books ones that made me cry? :o) I'm not a religious person, but I do believe in heaven. I can't tell you why, but this book reinforced the belief. I really appreciate books that make me think about religion/God/heaven etc. in a new or different way. The Da Vinci Code did that for me -- so did this one. Although it made me cry, it IS a "feel good" story. And a not very good movie of the week starring John Voight.



At 7:05 AM, August 24, 2005, Blogger Krissy said...

Just finished this book a month or so ago and LOVED it. It made me really have hope for life, that the little things really do happen for a reason. It made me think a lot. In a good way. It makes you wonder about the people you meet or pass in life.


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