Life of Pi - Yann Martel

This is not a beach book, but if you're looking for something that is slower paced, I recommend it.
For several years, a few of us girls have been getting together for what we call "book club meetings." As we gab about our current reads (and many other things), we know the following: 1) We love to read books. 2) We have opinions about them! So we wanted to share our thoughts with our friends and families (and anyone else who's interested) who can't come to our "meetings." We are not professional critics or literary experts, but this is what we think ...
If I read every other book recommended and still have my vision, maybe I'll pick this one up again. I couldn't get through the first 100 pages without falling asleep. But maybe it's worth another try?
Perhaps you should skip this for some of his lighter works. The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios is a collection of 4 short stories that Martel wrote more that 20 years ago. With the success of Life of Pi, the collection was recently rereleased. Pick it up and give it a go. I will warn you though, the second story is full of mystery and intrigue!
I am sick and tired of people reviewing this book without realizing what it was meant to be. Martel wrote this book to prove the existence of GOD. How did you miss that? Are you ladies too busy eating Bon bons?
Hmm...sounds like someone is a bit upset? Who is this "anonymous" and what's so bad about Bon bons? In any case, before I read this I heard both sides - some people hated it and didn't understand the hype, others loved it. So I was very intrigued. The first part was a bit strange for me, with all the animal talk, I was confused where it would go from there. But I became strangely obsessed and enraptured with the book after the main event happens, and I ended up loving it. It makes you think a lot about what actually happened on that boat. I had heard the god references before reading it too, so I was looking out for the connections, and it was an interesting way of looking at it. If you didn't like it, that's fine. It doesn't mean you eat a lot of Bon bons.
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