Monday, July 11, 2005

AHEB - Lorna Landvik

Angry Housewives Eating Bon-Bons by Lorna Landvik

This book made me want to start the book club (FOR REAL THIS TIME) and also all move to the same culdesac so we can all be friends AND neighbors. :o) This is one of the few authors I have read that pulled of the multiple narrators speaking in different persons (is that grammatically correct?). In contrast, The Ya Ya Sisterhood book needed to go through another round or two of editing because the formatting and "voice" was not consistent. AHEB was well done -- I always knew who was talking because the characters were so well developed. PS -- If we were to all move to the same block and have families and book clubs, I would not wish abusive husbands or divorces on any of us -- we will all live happily ever after on that culdesac in Kentucky ...



At 10:27 PM, July 11, 2005, Blogger Lynzee said...


First question - Leah, is culdesac your new favorite word? How did you even know how to spell that?

I also enjoyed this book. I read it after having read "Patty Jane's House of Curl," also by Ms. Landvik.

It's a fun, fast read, but it doesn't make you feel like you've lost brain cells after finishing it as some "chick books" do. The characters were great and very well developed. It's been about 6 months since I read this, and I can't think of any complaints at the moment. I'll have to check back to refresh my memory.

We can only aspire to be like AHEB. In fact, I think we need an acronym (and a culdesac).


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